We, and the relevant bodies, are aware of an email scam fraudulently using the names of registered IP Attorneys, attempting to ‘scare’ applicants into registering trade marks. The emails contain false and misleading information. For more information please read our blog here.

Registering your brand as a trade mark is the safest and most comprehensive way to protect your valuable intellectual property.  With the growth in global online trading, many business owners now register their trade marks in multiple countries to cast the net wider and ensure their assets are comprehensively protected by legally enforceable rights. Key […]

business trade mark

This guide introduces the basics of copyright in Australia and offers some basic guidelines as to how to avoid breaching copyright law. This guide is intended to be a useful overview, but it must be noted that copyright and other intellectual property laws are complex areas of law and expert advice and guidance is always […]

register a trademark jigsaw puzzle

This article is an important read for any business which owns a registered trade mark or which has a portfolio of registered trade marks. The simple fact is that in Australia, a registered trade mark has to be used in order to retain its validity. If your trade mark is not being used under the […]

If you’ve wondered whether it’s legal to use a competitor’s brand to promote your own business, this article is a must read. Whilst we do not suggest that if a competitor has not registered a trade mark then it can be used by anyone  as the competitor will likely have some rights at common law […]

This guide tells you everything you need to know about Australian Design Registration. Let’s start by explaining what is covered by the word ‘design’ and then we’ll go through the stages of registering this form of intellectual property and why it can be such a crucial business decision. What Is a Registered Design? A registered […]

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Free Trade Mark Search

The Free Online Trade Mark Search is conducted in Australia.

Jacqui Pryor
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