We, and the relevant bodies, are aware of an email scam fraudulently using the names of registered IP Attorneys, attempting to ‘scare’ applicants into registering trade marks. The emails contain false and misleading information. For more information please read our blog here.

When it comes time to registering a trademark for your business, you may be uncertain as to whether you need to hire a lawyer, a trademark attorney, or do it yourself.  While it may seem simple enough and quite tempting to save yourself some money, the registration process can prove complicated.  Any mistakes or changes […]

When it comes to choosing between applying for your trademark under your name or your  company name, there is no set answer that will apply to everyone.  You may need a trademark lawyer to assess your individual situation to help you come to the right decision for your situation. In addition, there have been recent […]

As a business owner it’s important that you are putting yourself in a positon to avoid as many risks as possible.  The first place to start in this process should be to register and protect your trademark.  Before deciding not to register your trademark, or putting it in the ‘later basket’, it’s vital you’re aware […]

Coming up with a unique and descriptive trademark design, perfect for your brand, and eligible for registration can be difficult. To be able to design the ideal trademark you might try combining a number of different elements. Elements that, on their own, would make weak trademarks, but once combined with other elements, can come together […]

A trademark refers to any ‘sign’ such as a word, phrase, symbol, image, shape, sound, smell, colour or combination of things that identifies and differentiates the goods or services of one trader from the similar goods or services of other traders.  A registered trademark gives the owner rights to use the trademark as registered (and […]

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Free Trade Mark Search

The Free Online Trade Mark Search is conducted in Australia.

Jacqui Pryor
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