A lady sitting at a desk using a computer to look at trademarks

Before we start, let’s define what each of these are… Shape Trade Mark If you have a unique and distinctive shape that is synonymous (or is capable of becoming synonymous) with your product or service, then it is likely capable of functioning as a trade mark. An example is a Toblerone chocolate bar. The shape […]

There are several reasons you might need to provide evidence of trademark use. The reason you are needing to provide it may alter the answer as to ‘how’ you do so. Irrespective of the reason, it will need to be in proper format for filing with the Trade Marks Office. This will include drafting a […]

The New Zealand flag flying in a blue sky.

For the most part, trademark registration is specific to each country and many Australian companies who have an existing registered trademark in Australia consider New Zealand for expansion due to the logistical and geographical location. It is important to note that your trademark, domain name or business name registration in Australia will not automatically entitle […]

Registering a trademark can be a lengthy process and the time dedicated to this is often underestimated. It will take a minimum of 7 and a half months to register a trademark in Australia. Finding out as much as you can about trademark registration can help to clarify and map out a timeline to complete […]

It’s a common misconception that once you have your trademark registered nothing more is required. The reality is that if you stop using your trademark it could be vulnerable to removal for non-use. If you have had your trademark registered for the last five years or more, but it has not have been in use […]

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Free Trade Mark Search

The Free Online Trade Mark Search is conducted in Australia.

Jacqui Pryor
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