New Trademark Forms and Publications

Did you know that we had a list of forms and publications available for download via our website? These are provided in an effort to make the often confusing area of intellectual property a little easier to understand.
We need your feedback as to what forms or publications you’d like to see available for download through the website. We have just added to this page so that you can now download:
- International trademark forms
- Australian trademark renewal forms
- Basic copyright information
These are added to the existing list of Australian and international trademark information guides, and Australian trademark forms.
In all of our guides we try and explain the processes in a way that is easy to follow and understand. Whilst they might be long, we hope they provide a detailed look at how you can protect your intellectual property in Australia and beyond.
But, what else can we add?
We understand that when first looking into a new area it’s nice to be able to find and read the information before necessarily contacting a company for help so let us know what other guides would help you and your business in this area and we’ll see what we can put together for you! Let us know by commenting below, or send an email to