
As a general rule of thumb, it’s not recommended to use an unregistered trade mark. This is for a number of reasons. For example, it is far more difficult to enforce an unregistered trade mark against unauthorised users because doing so requires a large volume of evidence to prove that the unregistered trade mark has […]

So many businesses these days have an international presence, whether that be by having physical trading premises in different countries, or simply by providing their goods and all their services to customers who are located in different parts of the world. Ideally, such businesses should protect their trade marks in all of the territories where […]

A country which has a first-to-file trade mark system, basically grants rights to the first person who files a trade mark application. And that’s irrespective of whether somebody else can show that they use the trade mark before that. Think of it as first in, best dressed. There are some countries that don’t recognise any […]

The UK and the EU have now officially ratified a withdrawal agreement. We’re now in what’s called the transition period, and that will continue until the 31st of December 2020. During the transition period registered EU trademarks will continue to have force and be protected in the UK. That includes EU trademark applications, which matured […]

The first thing to do is don’t panic. It’s easy to feel shocked when you learn that someone has filed an objection to your trade mark being registered. The second thing to do is check all the dates on the correspondence you have if your trade mark is opposed in any jurisdiction. We’ll focus on […]

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The Free Online Trade Mark Search is conducted in Australia.

Jacqui Pryor
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