We, and the relevant bodies, are aware of an email scam fraudulently using the names of registered IP Attorneys, attempting to ‘scare’ applicants into registering trade marks. The emails contain false and misleading information. For more information please read our blog here.

Millions of businesses all over the world use Google Ads as a successful way of finding new customers via keywords.  But online advertising is also a highly competitive space and multiple businesses are often targeting the same customers.  Google Ads uses keywords to attract ‘clicks’ to websites, which means getting the keywords right is pivotal […]

The field of trade mark law is complex and wide-ranging and many different cases covering a variety of industries, disciplines and contexts have ended up being settled by a court ruling.  But despite all these precedents – and despite the explosive growth in online communications – very few cases involving the use of a competitor’s […]

business trade mark

Search. Browse. Click. Pay. Collect.  For the consumer, online shopping puts millions of products and their favourite brands from around the world at their fingertips.  Retail therapy has never been faster, easier or more convenient. Just as e-commerce opens up a world of opportunity for consumers, it’s also a treasure trove for retailers.  However, it […]

A decade after starting out on her own, trade marks attorney Jacqui Pryor has grown her reputation and her business significantly, notched up some significant victories and been recognised internationally as an expert in the field of trade mark law. She launched Mark My Words Trade Mark Services in 2011 with the objective of supporting […]

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Jacqui Pryor
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